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Víctor Fernández

Hi! I'm Víctor

I put things together using APIs (if available) or scraping (otherwise)

My goal is to build some profitable projects. Current profits: 0 $

Meanwhile I work at Revieve

About me

I'm a computer engineer graduate, and I've been professionally working on software development since I was 19

I love programming, specially I love the scraping world

I currently work as a Full-stack and recently I have had a long experience as a Front-end

In my spare time I like to think of new projects for the list (and work on some of them from time to time too), read science fiction and play League of Legends

I made a few Telegram bots

These are some of the stuff I made

1 year ago


1 year ago

Web that saves the subtitles of all the videos you watch on YouTube, and then allows you to search in that text and play the video from the exact moment the search term is said

1 year ago

Note taking/second brain/reminders app. I began working on it because I used Notion and Todoist and I was not happy with either of them, and I couldn't find (at that moment) and app that fit my needs. Now I'm using WorkFlowy, and it's pretty much what I was trying to make

2 years ago

Telegram bot that uses Telegram as a file manager

3 years ago

This service manages the Google OAuth process with any scope. It gives back a static ID used to get the automatically refreshed access token

4 years ago

URL shortener using a custom algorithm to generate the shortened links. It's used a lot in Korea for some reason

5 years ago

Telegram bot that acts as Python interpreter. Secured using a Docker container for each user

2 years ago

A web that scraps forocoches.com to filter adult content threads and list them. This project was born because forocoches search can't filter this kind of threads. It has relative success with 200/300 unique users per day. The project is formed by the frontend and the backend, which job is to manage the database and scrape

2 years ago

Node.js library that emulates Python requests' requests.Session() but using fetch interface

3 years ago

Proxy that caches every request and saves them to a file. It can be used to improve the reliability of automated frontend tests

4 years ago

Telegram bot that sends Telegram location messages based on search terms

5 years ago

API that send emails easily using HTTP GET

5 years ago

API that retrieves, filters and shows the user Gmail email. I used it to automate some things like the sign up process on webs

6 years ago

This web takes a torrent, downloads it, search for the big video file and streams it to the user. Similar to exa. It's one of the first projects I worked on

1 year ago

For now it's more of an idea than a real project, but it's an alternative to Splid

3 years ago

A tiny bash script to open GitHub and GitLab in the browser from the console. Easily extensible due to the modular design

5 years ago

Python library to use redis as it is a Python dict. Makes prototyping easier


My professional history

Cosmetics recommendation product

I start working at Revieve as a Senior Full-Stack Developer

  • The tech stack is React, Node.js, TypeScript, GraphQL, MongoDB, Redis, Docker, Kubernetes, AWS
  • The team is fully remote
  • High responsibility, with a lot of freedom to make technical decisions
  • All communication is in English
May 2022ShuttleCloud
May 2022Email migration platform
Email migration platform

I went back to the migration platform because I was asked for help with a new client

  • The client wanted us to run all the services in their own Kubernetes cluster
  • Upgraded to Python 3 some of the services/packages that were still on Python 2.
  • Modified some of the services to be Kubernetes-friendly
  • Improved the system documentation
  • Helped client's engineers to get the whole system running correctly
  • Helped fellow engineers who are less experienced
Jul 2021farmaciadeguardia.app

This is a project that was born within ShuttleCloud in the midst of the pandemic. It is an app to search for on-duty pharmacies throughout Spain. The challenge is to obtain the information, since all the on-duty schedules are managed separately by each province's medical association, and each one has a completely different website

  • I work on the scrapers for each web
  • I use Node.js with TypeScript
  • Chosen scraping libraries are cheerio and jsdom
  • The service runs on Google Cloud Run
May 2021EmailMeter

This is another project that had been developing within ShuttleCloud for some time. At a certain point it was decided to give it more momentum and I came in to help, especially with the frontend. The product is a tool to obtain email usage statistics

  • Backend is also written on Python
  • Email information is stored on BigQuery
  • Frontend is written in Vue.js. However it's vastly more complex than anything I made to the moment
  • It was the first time I worked with someone less experienced than me. I tried to help with anything she needed
Apr 2020DARTS

This project was born within EmailMeter as a request from a client. The product is a ticketing tool (like ZenDesk) using only Gmail label system

  • The project is written in Node.js
  • My first time working professionally on a TypeScript project
  • This service uses Gmail API a lot, so we need a strong control on quotas
📍Sep 2017
Aug 2018Email migration platform
Migration portals

The task I mainly work on is to make portals for some of our clients.

  • Portals allow users to load migrations to our system
  • I use Vue.js as frontend framework
  • At first I used Bulma as CSS framework, but Tailwind was released shortly after and it was the framework I used from then on
Email migration platform

My first full-time job, and also my first experience with an already formed team. The product is a service to migrate emails between different accounts. I needed to learn very quickly since the first moment because it's a very complex product.

  • Very demanding, with clients such as Google and Comcast
  • Virtually all the code is done in Python
  • A heavily used system. Queues (RabbitMQ) are used to alleviate peak loads
  • CouchDB is the main database software, although MySQL is somewhat used
  • I learn all about Docker as the team was in the process of Dockerizing all services
  • The entire system is hosted on Google Cloud Project
📍Jun 2016
📍Jun 2015
Sep 2017Part time/internship
GSuite Promo Codes

It was an experiment where we used a website where you could get discount codes for the (then called) GSuite. When those codes were used, Google gave us back a percentage of the subscription

  • The way to request the codes was through a website where you had to put an email address
  • The codes arrived through an email, so you had to scrape those emails
  • All the process was fully automated
  • It ended up giving quite a few benefits in the long run

Next project that ShuttleCloud proposed to me is a website that would show daily menus (menú del día) of restaurants around the user. We invested more time to this project, and it is the project to which I dedicate my internships at the university and my degree thesis.

  • We also used Laravel for this project
  • This time frontend was a mobile app made with Angular.js and Ionic, which had just been released.
  • I put a lot of effort into reducing the friction in the process of adding the menu data

I started working on a project called barat0 (similar to what Chollometro is now) because I found out in college that a company called ShuttleCloud they are looking for people to work with. I worked on it for a year, but it gets canceled due to the lack ideas to monetize monetize the project and not attracting enough interest.

  • I had some experience with Python and Node.js
  • We decided to use Laravel for the project
  • It consisted of a backend that stored the deal data in a MySQL database. Frontend did not use any framework, only Laravel templating system.
Sep 2017College

I start the Degree in Computer Engineering at the University of Alcalá de Henares.